How Long Can Goose Eggs Go Without Incubation: Expert Insights

Goose eggs are a popular choice among farmers and hobbyists alike, either for consumption or hatching. However, sometimes the incubation process is not possible or desirable, and the question arises: how long can goose eggs go without incubation?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the temperature and humidity of the environment where the eggs are stored, the breed of the goose, and the age of the eggs.

Generally, fertile goose eggs can last up to two weeks without incubation, but this can vary depending on the specific circumstances.

It is important to note that the longer goose eggs go without incubation, the lower the chances of them hatching successfully. In addition, it is recommended to store the eggs in a cool, dry place, with the pointy end facing downwards, and to avoid any sudden movements or changes in temperature.

With proper care, it is possible to extend the lifespan of goose eggs without incubation, but it is always best to aim for timely incubation for the best results.

Factors Affecting Goose Egg Survival

When attempting to hatch goose eggs, multiple elements can influence the viability of the eggs. Here are some of the most important factors to consider:


Goose eggs require an incubation period of about 28-30 days. During this stage, it’s essential to maintain the eggs at a steady temperature of about 99.5°F (37.5°C) and keep a humidity level of approximately 70-80%.

Moreover, to ensure healthy development, the eggs must be rotated at least four times daily throughout the initial three weeks of incubation.

Natural Incubation

In case you possess a broody goose, she might be capable of incubating and hatching the eggs without using an incubator. Nonetheless, not every goose becomes broody, and even those that do might not succeed in hatching the eggs.

Additionally, it’s vital to remember that when depending on natural incubation, the mother goose should have access to swimming facilities since she must occasionally leave the nest for drinking and bathing purposes.

Goose Egg Quality

The quality of the eggs can also play a role in their survival rate. You should always collect eggs under a bright light to ensure that they are clean and free from cracks or other damage.

Dirty eggs should be cleaned before incubation, as bacteria on the eggshell can lead to loss during incubation.

It’s crucial to remember that some eggs might not be viable, and a minor proportion of eggs being infertile or non-viable is a common occurrence.

Environmental Factors

The surrounding conditions during egg incubation can also influence the eggs’ survival rate. It is essential to keep the incubator in a spot that is clean, dry, and free from drafts, as well as away from direct sunlight and other heat sources.

Regular monitoring of temperature and humidity levels is necessary, with prompt adjustments made in case of fluctuations. Keep in mind that cooling the eggs during incubation can cause developmental issues.

In summary, hatching goose eggs can be a gratifying experience; however, it demands meticulous care and an ample amount of patience. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can increase your chances of successfully incubating and hatching healthy goslings.

Storage Temperature and Humidity For Goose Eggs

When it comes to storing goose eggs, the temperature and humidity are crucial factors that can affect the success of incubation. The ideal temperature for storing goose eggs is between (36-37 degrees Celsius) with a humidity level of 75-80%.

It is important to note that the temperature and humidity should be consistent throughout the storage period to ensure the eggs remain viable.

If you plan to incubate the eggs, it is recommended to store them for no more than a week before incubation. If you need to store them for longer, it is possible but the hatch rate may decrease.

It is important to turn the eggs at least four times a day during storage to prevent the yolk from settling and sticking to the shell. This can be done manually by turning the eggs by hand or by using an egg turner in an incubator.

It is also important to keep the eggs clean and free from any dirt or debris during storage. Dirty eggs can lead to bacterial growth and decrease the hatch rate.

Make sure to collect the eggs at least four times a day and clean any dirty eggs with a damp cloth. Avoid washing the eggs with water as this can remove the protective coating on the eggshell.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that different types of eggs may require different storage conditions. For example, Toulouse geese eggs may require slightly higher humidity levels than other types of geese eggs.

Quail eggs and Sebastopol geese eggs may also have different storage requirements. It is important to research the specific type of egg you are storing to ensure the best possible hatch rate.

Duration of Egg Storage

Geese usually lay eggs in their breeding season, which generally occurs from February through June. After being laid, the eggs can be either incubated immediately or saved for future use. The duration of egg storage is affected by elements like the particular type of egg and the storage environment.

Goose eggs, for instance, can be stored for up to 10 days without incubation, but the chances of hatching decrease as each day passes. The probability of hatching drops substantially if the eggs are stored for a period exceeding 10 days.

It is important to note that goose eggs require specific storage conditions to remain viable for hatching.

If you plan to store goose eggs for hatching, make sure to keep them in a cool and dry area, with temperatures ranging from 36-37°C and humidity levels of 75-80%.

To avoid the yolk adhering to the shell and to promote healthy growth, make sure to rotate the eggs a minimum of four times daily.

When deciding to employ an incubator, it’s vital to abide by the manufacturer’s directions and persistently maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity levels during the whole incubation time frame.

For natural incubation, you can allow a broody goose to sit on the eggs. In order to successfully hatch goose eggs, it is important to keep in mind that the incubation period typically lasts around 28-34 days which depends on the breed of goose. To promote healthy development during this time, the eggs should be monitored for temperature and humidity levels, and turned regularly.

It should be noted that incubating goose eggs requires a higher temperature and humidity range compared to chicken eggs. To achieve optimal results, the ideal temperature range for goose eggs is between 36-37°C, while the humidity level should be kept at 80-85%.

To determine the optimal duration for storing goose eggs, factors such as storage conditions and egg type should be taken into account. In case of incubating goose eggs, it is crucial to maintain appropriate temperature and humidity levels, as well as to regularly rotate the eggs.

Alternatively, natural incubation can be utilized, although it is necessary to monitor and regulate the temperature and humidity levels for proper egg development.

Signs of Egg Spoilage

Incubating and hatching goose eggs can be a fulfilling process that demands close attention. A major challenge in this process is to identify if an egg is still viable. Here are some indicators of a spoiled goose egg:

  1. Incubation for over 2.35 days without hatching
  2. Foul odor
  3. Discolored and cloudy appearance
  4. Cracks or holes
  5. Dried out or shrunk

In such cases, it is essential to dispose of the egg to prevent contaminating the other eggs. Proper maintenance of temperature and humidity is crucial during the incubation process. Any fluctuations in these conditions may prevent hatching. Regular turning of eggs is also necessary to ensure uniform distribution of the developing embryo.

In case you don’t have an incubator, you will need a broody goose to sit on the eggs. It is crucial to choose a mature female goose that has shown interest in sitting on eggs since not all geese are good candidates for brooding.

If you intend to hatch goose eggs naturally, ensure that the mother goose has access to swimming facilities to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. Lastly, it is essential to collect eggs at least four times per day to prevent spoilage.

Remember, hatching goose eggs can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right care and attention, you can successfully hatch healthy goslings.

Final Words

Hatching goose eggs can be a fulfilling experience that requires diligent attention to detail. Proper temperature and humidity levels must be maintained, and the eggs need to be regularly turned. The incubation period for goose eggs is typically 28-35 days, depending on the breed.

Although an incubator can be useful, it’s not always necessary. Some geese may go broody and hatch their own eggs, while others may require a mother goose to sit on the eggs. Alternatively, natural incubation methods or homemade incubators can also be used.

It’s crucial to collect the eggs at least four times a day and keep them clean and at the right temperature and humidity levels. Candling the eggs can also help detect any potential issues and ensure proper development.

Hatching goose eggs can be an exciting experience with the right care and attention, regardless of whether it’s toulouse geese, sebastopol geese, or quail eggs being incubated. Understanding the fundamentals of egg incubation and hatching is vital for success.

Imran Khan is a professional in marketing and information technology, and he shares unbiased and informative content on the science, nutrition, and types of eggs through Egg Encyclopedia. With 15 years of experience in content writing, he specializes in creating SEO-optimized content for websites and publications.

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